Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Only after...

"After they've known each other ten minutes, they will be calling each other sister."
"Women only do that after they have called each other a lot of other things first."
-Oscar Wilde

And now for something completely different.

Alrighty, so, it seems St. Patty's Day is upon us again. I am given to understand that this holiday is usually celebrated by green beer, parades, and impressive amounts of behavior which generally doesn't happen as widely on a Wednesday night. Like many holidays, obviously this tradition has gotten a bit skewed. (C'mon... easter eggs? I'm sure the Catholic church wouldn't like to admit that this holiday was moved to correspond to a certain pagan festival to smooth the way for mass conversion... but I digress...)
In any case, an interesting e-book details a great deal of information about this holiday. Here in case anyone would like to take a look-see.
BUT in the true spirit of the holiday as celebrated right at this very moment, I am going to gloss over the facts, wear a green shirt, and although I am not drinking, I can certainly sit back and enjoy the revelers in all their green glory.

For me today has been a great deal more about things other than plastering shamrocks about myself and imbibing impressive amounts of alcohol. Firstly, this morning around 5:00 AM, I got a phone call. A very welcome one (which is impressive, seen as how usually if my phone goes off at this hour I am more likely to react violently than with pleasure). While I certainly doubt that anyone I do not know well reads this little ramble, I will give a bit of context. I am dating my best friend. An occasionally infuriating, arrogant, stubborn, crazy, entertaining, and charming Marine. Right at this moment he is deployed, and has been so for four months. While certainly my lot is not as difficult as the wives of soldiers, it has not exactly been a dance through the daises. Emails are rare, and phone calls are about as frequent as an honest politician. However, I suppose they must certainly exist... for at any rate, I got a call this morning.
He is very very bored. This makes me very very happy. Why? Because it means that he has nothing dangerous to occupy his time.
He also rather excitedly informed me that today marks exactly 4 months since his deployment began, and as such, in another 3 he will be home!

On top of that, the mail today brought me a precious parcel purveyed by Amazon and a particularly proficient postman. (Alliteration for the win...) Leverage has arrived! for any theoretical readers who dont know (geeze, have you been living under a rock?) Leverage is a series which has been airing on TNT (holy crap I hope I'm right about that....) and that I have been watching with the magnificent mother of my missing man thing.
The brilliance of this series knows no bounds. Formulaic in the style of the old Bond (pre-hard-body-Dano-Craig-direction) and the A-Team, without being predictable or boring. In point of fact, not once have I been able to predict the outcome of an episode fully. It also makes lovely little nods to the fanbase, referencing Doctor Who and cameo appearances of Star Trek crew (to name a few). Insanely well written and exquisitely enjoyable.
Starring Academy Award Winning (harhar... it was when he was 18... get over it guys) Timothy Hutton, Gina Bellman (also making a stellar appearance in the British show Coupling), Christain Kane (from Joss Whedon's Angel), Beth Riesgraf, and Aldis (whoa.. his parents were not kind) Hodge.
By and large the series runs like a modern Robin Hood, with a crack team of criminals robbing the corrupt and giving back to the people who were screwed over by the scheming scoundrels. Check out the official website (complete with free episodes) here.

Apart from these lovely occurrences, I have spent the balance of my day at work.
I am a personal assistant, and although I admittedly rather enjoy my job, I find almost every stereotype of the occupation to be true. However, that will have to wait for a later blog. My eyeballs are melting out of my head (after waking at 5:00 and running a 9+ hour shift) so I hope everyone has had a wonderfully inebriated holiday. Be safe guys, I have few enough readers that I can't afford to lose a one of you. <3

Now alls I need is a proper cup of tea to restore my normality, and Academy Award Winner Timothy Hutton to complete my green shirt wearin', green beer avoidin' St. Patty's Day.

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